Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Nerdbux Review scam or legit

Nerdbux have potential to become one of the Best

Nerdbux is PTC from Timtech a small company bashed in rhode island, they have already done a lot in online business for some amount time, there are other business sites from this company, if you know sweeva, trck.me, clicktrackprofit thats just another list you can found, however Nerdbux is the first PTC sites since other mostly a traffic exchange. (more info about other sites go http://www.timtech.us/)

Nerdbux is kinda different from what most PTC you can find today, since everyone have a fear making giant earning from referral (doubtly sustainable), nerdbux proudly give it to us, which mean member can earn up to 50% -100% from referral click. Because of this insane idea this site have the fastest grown sites at the moment. Everyone promote it in just anywhere, since 3 day launching the sites already got around 10k member. (correct me if i'm wrong)

Oh yes Nerdbux have transparency about their total member, which i think is good, nothing to hide , you can found it on homepage, anyway here is some quick info about nerdbux

+ All country can Join
+ Paypal /payza
+ fixed $4 minimum withdraw standard ($2 upgraded member)
+ 1 day waiting time cashout
+ 50% earning referral for standard (100% upgraded member)
+ mostly 0.001 ads (20-25 ads)
+ micro job, nerdgrid
+ 100 direct referral limit for standard (unlimited for upgraded member)

Note that, 50% earning is from depend on what your referral click ads, so if they click 0.001 ads, that mean you will get 0.0005 , 0.005 ads = 0.0025 (unless you are upgraded member to get 100% earning from what referral click) that is Overkill !!


At very end we are still in the first stage, we need to see how this system will do in future, there may be another change from the site, so you have better test it from now on. Legit status may still far away but it just about time, but so far this site is paying and you cannot think that nerdbux is scam (unless you are a fortune teller).

This Nerdbux review still incomplete without your opinion, now let's hear what everyone say

What you think of Nerdbux
Awesome ( i get big earning from this site)
Good (not many PTC give 50% referral earning)
Decent ( as long they pay me )
Bad (low click rate and i don't have ref, so?)
Please Specify:


  1. blank

    nerdbux is scam now..
    they manipulate RR and the earning reduce 80%..
    the reason is because of holiday etc…
    but the true is they use RR robot, because 99% of my RR was clicking but the earning reduced to 20%…
    from my calculation each of my RR only click 1 ads everyday…
    NERDBUX scam…
    to Nerdbux admin, just stop make fool to us with your black friday and christmas holiday theory…shame on you…

    1. blank

      Nerdbux is scam... i will try to get back my money through Paypal dispute...

  2. blank

    scam scam check the forums and all the watch lists

  3. blogger_logo_round_35

    Nerdbux is going to be SCAM , Check below :


  4. blogger_logo_round_35

    To check whether a site is legit usually, I do follow a simple checklist to see how well they do.

    1) Use WhoisXY.com to check the whois information and check whether the contact information matches with the one in the website.
    2) In the domain contact details, is there a valid email address.
    3) Is there a valid phone number visible, and does it work ?
    4) Go through review about them using Webutation.org and check whether they are scam free.

    I followed the above steps for Nerdbux and were not satisfied with the results.

  5. blank


  6. blogger_logo_round_35

    Found a good PTC that actually pays this to pay their users since 2005 to meet its subscribers can win navigate clicks to see videos by and competitions also the €€ and more paid trough paypal and more ...
    Register trough this linck: http://www.publipt.com/pages/index.php?refid=andreapr
    See for yourself

  7. blank

    Nerdbux was a good ptc site and unfortunately turned to a scam site.

  8. blank
  9. blogger_logo_round_35

    everybody knows nerdbox 's a scam... i've been earning with http://csl.ink/4NY for more than 6 years now

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