Friday, February 1, 2013

Aurora VS Bux Final Conclusion

It has been long time since this topic Aurora Versus Bux been discussed, but i never write it on my blog so it's bugged me if not do it, as we know everyone thinking there is  2 type PTC (actually 2 model) aurora and bux is same as PTC business script. Some like Bux but some prefer aurora, there is a forum topic about it how to create Paid To Click site to help beginner (the reason why so many new site around not planned well and turn into scam).

They always consist as 2 type like Aurora as small earning 0.001 and bux sites for more higher 0.01 , the truth is it doesn't matter which script they use, it almost depend from owner to rate his ads, well it just matter how to attract standard member, upgraded member will less care about it and they more like to see how much referral cost, AVG or ref click can give. the funny thing is some people see PTC not by script to determine which one, but how much rate per click by site, even if it bux sites with 0.002 rate, Standard member will see it as aurora type (see what i mean) This is Purely about how owner manage their site.

Only good from bux site is it can easily get member with their 1 cents 4 fixed ads (2 days for 5000 member), after that welcome to ponzi scheme / referral games, everything is bad, this is out from the true PTC model, it almost same as a gamble no doubt, everything they said is about promotion upgrade, renting referral, etc. as there is nothing to give for free member, why? they hate standard member, bux site is not made for free people, (their ads is a fake which is useless) all they have to do is avoiding standard member cashout, as always with increasing minimum payout, decreasing click rate to 0.001, open new site to get new investor, changed to investment site, yes bux is only good for scamming people in short time. Just think how many bux site created in a week.

Everything is good from aurora, (except low rate click ads) but usually minimum cash out is low too, this is our true Paid To Click model concept, even famous Neobux change their model like a bit aurora and GPT (Hybrid) for sustainable run in long term (same as BuxP). Aurora site doesn't mean it always give 0.001 some site can give almost 6 cent a day to free member (see CashNHits) i'm amazed by how care admin for the standard earning, you can't found PTC like this.

Absolutely there is no Paid To Click site today with 0.01 can alive for a years or 6 month even if owner serious, the most reasonable ads rate is dropped to 0.001 - 0.005 , i think 0.005 is already to high and 0.01 4 fixed ads is scam or ponzi.
so the final result from Aurora Vs Bux? Aurora type is a winner.


  1. blogger_logo_round_35

    Hi Klik,
    I have been a PTC member for a long time and I can say that they are a legit programs. But I am not using them as an ads clicker anymore cuz I have discovered more profitable way than clicking ads. And it really boost my online earnings.

    Btw, I like the design of your site, it looks very clean and professional.

  2. blank

    fuck cashnhits from 5 months my payment is pending lolz.

  3. blogger_logo_round_35

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