Sega Genesis have introduced us a lot great game, now you asking why only Top 10 genesis games while everyone mostly makes 25 ? i think top 25 is to many and more wide as people more likely just go play anything he want, so in order to keep smaller for you i recommend this game below.
Those who still have the console or everyone that have genesis ROM can always enjoy playing it until now, if you just have it and still don't know what games deserve your time or never been playing genesis this list might help, now lets take a look what else 10 Best Sega games you should play
Those who still have the console or everyone that have genesis ROM can always enjoy playing it until now, if you just have it and still don't know what games deserve your time or never been playing genesis this list might help, now lets take a look what else 10 Best Sega games you should play
10. Street of rage 1,2,3 Aka Bare Knuckle
Ever hear a cop kicking some ass in street with bare hand? yes it is, Street of rage is one of the best dual players with brawling martial arts action games in SEGA. There is three sequels of it but i suggest you must at least try from Street of rage 1, this first installment is rather quiet simple but fun for beginner, the music is decent but some stages are good.
If you have someone, friends, or family to play with, bring them, it's better than playing alone as it can make thing easier and fun.
9. Yu Yu Hakusho
Yu-Yu Hakusho is a fighting game from anime, those who love anime will surely love this as well, but don't be wrong even if you never know this anime you still hardly to resist what this game can give, it's not normal 2nd fighting games like others, its Battle Brawlers where you can team or fight up to 4 players in stage. There is 2 side where you can jump and change to target your opponent. you can team with CPU or 2nd players to fight other two CPU it's up to you, surely its addicting, Sound, graphic, skill, movement, everything all good, if you are fighting games lover you must have this one
8. Shinobi 3 return of ninja master
Another great 2nd action adventure games from Sega, Shinobi Return of Ninja master is sequel from revenge of Shinobi, and it have a lot improvement, now you can swiftly and fully control Joe musashi as it can run, jump wall to wall, and kick, if you want to know more visit Best Ninja
7. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
One of the best 2D fighting games, Ultimate mortal kombat 3 is a must have than previous series because it gives more playable character, include some boss, brutality is awesome to perform and it give some challenge, from fatality until friendship.
bring other players or fight alone with difficulty in various stage
6. Lion king
5 Road Rash 1,2,3
Road Rash series is the best motorcycle racing games in genesis, this is not just all about the race but also beat your opponent, use weapon to kill, run from police, and avoid other thing that can danger your life, get money and upgrade your motorcycle or brought a new one!! up to you.
Road race is unique racing games that not rely on graphic but purely a gameplay where it can make people forget they been playing for hours in same stage!, yes it can be a little hard sometimes but still fun to do. although you play this game at this super graphic era, i'm sure you can still enjoy and laugh with it.
4. Golden axe 1,2,3
Golden Axe series is no doubt one of the most popular action adventure in genesis, it's almost same as street rage but Golden Axe setting is in old traditional kingdom story with a magic world, also it gives a different feel however many says Golden axe 1 and 2 is better than the latest series as the Dwarf is not playable (those who always love using dwarf may be disappoint) but i think the Panther guy is enough to replace him as he can really uber if players know how to use his killer moves.
3. Dragon ball Z
Another two players 2D battle games, Dragon Balls Z is fighting games from animes series, the setting is from Freezer until cell sagas, different from other fighting games DB Z really force players to use all control button and timing to release a powerful skill called as KI, not just that other player's also can try avoid, counter or block that KI, the screen is divided two by line if players jump to air or each players way to far.
2. Sonic the hedgehog 1,2,3
1. Contra hard corps
Like the name this Contra really Hard and one of the best Contra games out there, an action shooter games that required skill, you need try several times to master it and know how every boss movement, luckily you will always need to do that in order to get several ending, because every choice and answer will determine your path with a different boss.
Not just that Contra the hard corps really have a good music like 'format X' i think it's almost good as shinobi return of ninja master.
That's Our top 10 Genesis games, it has been a years but we always play those games until now, sometimes we need replace graphic with a gameplay and back to 2D time
Have fun
trims banget untuk tipsnya. blog seperti ini yang saya suka..selalu memberikan informasi yang bermanfaat untuk para pembaca..update trus sob